I know I'm too late to really comment on the Cheney shoot em up episode( actually driving throught the desert all week listening to the radio pundits witht their point of views and hate for each other has really made me not care anymore) I do have a what I consider humourous story about the whole thing.* This is my symbol for a disclaimer * Disclaimer/ I am an avid hunter and understand what really happened. A couple of years ago while hunting pheasant in Western Iowa, I experienced the same situation and almost peppered a member of our hunting party. Of course I'm not 70 years old with a heart problem, so my reflexes were probably quicker. Thankfully I waited for the bird to clear before I got off a perfect shot. What I'm trying to say here is I don't want to come off as some crybaby /why does the VP have to hunt person. I do have a problem with him not having his hunting license, but that's another story.
So now I've totally digressed about ten times, so let's get back to my story. On my Yahoo home page the order of my content is in the folowing order. AP News Stories/ The Onion.
What sometmes happens when I'm in a hurry like I was Sunday, I some times have to look twice when I think an Onion article is an actual article. Believe me this is happened more than once (especially since the news hasn't surprised me since Michael Jackson married Elvis's daughter or America let a whole city disappear [New Orleans].
Well that happened again when I just happened to glance at the headline:
Vice President Shoots Man.
Well I didn't think much about it until a few hours later when it was being broadcast around the world. Once again proving that fact is crazier than fiction. What can I say I thought it was pretty humourous. Sorry you had to read this much to get to the point.
Some other things: the Cyclones. are done after losing to Nebraska tonight. So If your coming here to read about them I'm sorry. maybe I need to change the name of this blog if I can't stomach them the rest of this year. I find this women to be one of the hottest females in the world( right after my wife of course). Sorry I don't have a better picture for you. She has definetley kept me watching "Dancing With the Stars". I'm sure that's what keeps my friend Jim watching. I hope she wins. By the way her name is Stacy Keebler.
Lost. posted another great episode. When I first saw Clancy Brown's. name listed in the credits I was excited he was going to be added to the cast. Unfortunatley he was only used in the Flashbacks. Ever since The Highlander. he has been one of my favorites. Hopefully the will add him to more flashbacks.
Just to finish my thought from the beginning of this post. Here is probably how th White House really feels about this past weekends events.
Afterthought: I can't believe in less than a month of posting I've used references to two Areosmith song titles as titles to my posts. Maybe I like them more than I thought
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