If you have no one to be with, do not be with a cactus. I can become a prickly situation. Ha HA. See how quickly your mind goes when your in Arizona alone and everyone you love is back home. Oh well.
Well after today my Cyclone reports might slow up, because I don't know if I can watch them any more. Ths in my mind has been one of the most diappointing seasons in recent history. Believe me, with just one upper classmen front court player we are a Top 15 team. Sure I wanted to say Top 10 but I knew some of you might rag on me.
Well I see The Sox visited Dubya today which reminds me that I have the worst timing ever. One more week and I could have been out here for Spring Training. Well maybe next month. I really Can't wait for the season to start. I just hope none of that bad Karma the Prez has rubbed off on them.
Well I'll check in later with some more updates from Arizona, but for now I wanted to leave you with some pics of me with some Cacti.

Great pic. Wishful thinking?
Of course it is. Who doesn't want a horse.
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