Friday, February 24, 2006
Midwest in Hizzzousse!!
Enjoy it's Friday!
Hope to update and get those reviews in this weekend.
Don't miss the excitng ISU v. Baylor game.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Has it been a week?

Sorry for the lack of updates, but no new tales to tell. The Cyclones crushed my soul on Saturday and I've been in a drunk funk ever since. Didn't even get ou this weekend, except to rate 135 9 year old boys for my baseball draft this week. Talk about exciting, they all just started to blur together by the end. How am I supposed to know who is who when it's draft time. I guess that's why I employ an assistant coach. Hopefully we will have a good team.
Don't teally have anything to say on the Cheney thing anymore. Kinda of getting really sick of it.
Haven't really put my heart into the olympics.
Getting ready to go to LA next week. Once again if someone ones to invite me to dinner or a party while I'm out there, I'm always open for suggestions.
I've been reading alot and hope to get a few book reviews up here soon.
Also I want to preview any upcoming fights this weekend.
Also if you know of anyone that would like to sponsor an team in the Owegoland Pony Baseball league, please contact me.
Thanks for your time,
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Cheney's Got A Gun!!
I know I'm too late to really comment on the Cheney shoot em up episode( actually driving throught the desert all week listening to the radio pundits witht their point of views and hate for each other has really made me not care anymore) I do have a what I consider humourous story about the whole thing.* This is my symbol for a disclaimer * Disclaimer/ I am an avid hunter and understand what really happened. A couple of years ago while hunting pheasant in Western Iowa, I experienced the same situation and almost peppered a member of our hunting party. Of course I'm not 70 years old with a heart problem, so my reflexes were probably quicker. Thankfully I waited for the bird to clear before I got off a perfect shot. What I'm trying to say here is I don't want to come off as some crybaby /why does the VP have to hunt person. I do have a problem with him not having his hunting license, but that's another story.
So now I've totally digressed about ten times, so let's get back to my story. On my Yahoo home page the order of my content is in the folowing order. AP News Stories/ The Onion.
What sometmes happens when I'm in a hurry like I was Sunday, I some times have to look twice when I think an Onion article is an actual article. Believe me this is happened more than once (especially since the news hasn't surprised me since Michael Jackson married Elvis's daughter or America let a whole city disappear [New Orleans].
Well that happened again when I just happened to glance at the headline:
Vice President Shoots Man.
Well I didn't think much about it until a few hours later when it was being broadcast around the world. Once again proving that fact is crazier than fiction. What can I say I thought it was pretty humourous. Sorry you had to read this much to get to the point.
Some other things: the Cyclones. are done after losing to Nebraska tonight. So If your coming here to read about them I'm sorry. maybe I need to change the name of this blog if I can't stomach them the rest of this year. I find this women to be one of the hottest females in the world( right after my wife of course). Sorry I don't have a better picture for you. She has definetley kept me watching "Dancing With the Stars". I'm sure that's what keeps my friend Jim watching. I hope she wins. By the way her name is Stacy Keebler.
Lost. posted another great episode. When I first saw Clancy Brown's. name listed in the credits I was excited he was going to be added to the cast. Unfortunatley he was only used in the Flashbacks. Ever since The Highlander. he has been one of my favorites. Hopefully the will add him to more flashbacks.
Just to finish my thought from the beginning of this post. Here is probably how th White House really feels about this past weekends events.
Afterthought: I can't believe in less than a month of posting I've used references to two Areosmith song titles as titles to my posts. Maybe I like them more than I thought
Monday, February 13, 2006
Arizona on Valentines Day.....

If you have no one to be with, do not be with a cactus. I can become a prickly situation. Ha HA. See how quickly your mind goes when your in Arizona alone and everyone you love is back home. Oh well.
Well after today my Cyclone reports might slow up, because I don't know if I can watch them any more. Ths in my mind has been one of the most diappointing seasons in recent history. Believe me, with just one upper classmen front court player we are a Top 15 team. Sure I wanted to say Top 10 but I knew some of you might rag on me.
Well I see The Sox visited Dubya today which reminds me that I have the worst timing ever. One more week and I could have been out here for Spring Training. Well maybe next month. I really Can't wait for the season to start. I just hope none of that bad Karma the Prez has rubbed off on them.
Well I'll check in later with some more updates from Arizona, but for now I wanted to leave you with some pics of me with some Cacti.

Friday, February 10, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
DirecTV Sucks

and so do the refs in the Big 12 or so I heard, because I couldn't see last night game because Directv decided to black out the game in Chicagoland area which makes no sense at all. Were they afraid KSU might lose ticket sales if I decided to watch the game at home instead of attending it. Just their bullshit excuse because some moron with a questionable Big 11 degree is probably running their sports department. Getting back to the refs, how can a team that drives to the basket constantly only shoot 4 free throws compared to 25 for the other team. And two of those were near the end of the game. Of course I wouldn't probably be bithcing about this if on those last two, ISU could have made the 1st of the one and ones.
My biggest problem might be with Wayne Morgan (pictured above) who ripped the officiating after the game, but kept his mouth shut when he was two feet away. If there ever was a time to get in the face of the official and take the T for the greater good of the team, last night was the perfect chance. Once again the Cyclones blow a perfect chance to steal another road win. Things are definitely not looking up going into Saturdays game at KU. But then again we seem to excel at Phog Allen.
Sorry no Grammy commentary because I didn't watch much of it. I tried to watch as much as could, especially since my Cyclones weren't on, but it just seemed dull to me. I mean come on how many times can I see U2 sing Vertigo? Talked about an overplayed song, sure it was cool 2 years ago when it was a cool Ipod commercial.
Also when did Jamie Foxx become such a freak and music star. This makes as much sense as me going to an oldies show to see Garey Busey and Lou Diamond Phillips dress up like Buddy Holly and Richie Valens. We get it already, you can play the piano and sound like Ray Charles, that does not mean you are a major musical talent. Enough already. Wasn't it clue #1 that you sucked when NBC refused to promote your musical special on there own network. Enough already, Kanye please sop promoting this crap, you could have just as easily sample the real Ray.
Lost threw out another great episode but they are getting a little thin on the back stories. Yes we know Sawyer is a con artist fighting to have a heart. But do we have to see it in all of his flashbacks? Funny how he crossed paths with Kate's mother at the diner. Will everyone eventually cross paths in the flashbacks. Will this become a game we will al end up playing some day, much like the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon.......Shannon's dad hit Jacks wife who was paralyzed and Jack went for a run before surgery where he met Desmond........ it could go on and on.
Well enough for now, thanks for paying attention or not,
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Lost vs. ISU

Luckily I don't have to choose between the game and Lost because I have the wonderful PIP, and with the big 65 incher I'm able to watch both. The only thing that sucks is I won't be able to watch either in HD and believe me that sucks because Lost is one of the most beautiful shows to watch in HD (especially Evangeline)

Well here is a phot o of the cast I found on the net. Once again I still don't get it, but good for Dominic.
Well back to the Cyclones who desperatley need to beat a bad KSU team on the road tonight. I'm actually feeling good about our chances on the road( who wouldn't be) especially after our game against the Buffs last Sunday. I really thought we started to gel and the freshmen and bit players are loking much better. I just hope they can keep Rashon Clark as involved as he was against Colorado.
Well here's hoping for a big win a great Lost and hopefully some good Grammy stuff to write about tomorrow.
By the way I'm in Arizona next week in case anyone has any suggestions on cool things to do.
So Long,
Monday, February 06, 2006
Where Have You Been? We missed you!

Well once again this past week the Cyclones proved my point that they are two completley diferent teams. First they loss to unranked Kansas by 20 at home and then come out a week later and blowout #25 Colorado. Maybe they needed the rest. I do find it funny that the national press just loves the Big Ten and their conference leader Iowa, a team ISU and UNI both handled easily this year. I guess that's why they play the tournament and it really doen't matter att he end on how you were ranked. Unless of course You are ranked #10th in the tourney when you should be a #5.
Rashon Clark is a stud and should be on any knowledgable anaylsts player of the year lists going into next year. This kid can leap out of the building and is getting a better shot all the the time. I love his highlight dunks. Also I need to mention Curtis Stinson's 1st triple double in conference play, it was a great performance. If the freshmen could just show up the rest of the year, Sunday could have been a turning point for the season.

That didn't effect the rest of our enjoyment of the day, but the officiating sure did. I've never seen so many blown calls in a SB go against one team. I guess you still need to over come these if your'e a true champion but come on, Berger did not score at the end of the half, and that changed everyhthing. Of course if Jeremy " next year I'll keep my mouth shut" Stevens could have caught one pass (yes I know he caught a TD) when it mattered the game would have been completley different also. Since I was the most sober for the game, I probably enjoyed this one the most of the last few years.
Bonus Point:
Best Commercial: The Streaker Lamb
Runner Up: The Magic Frig.
Honorable Mention: Super Model getting drilled on Football Field.
Let's talk later,