Friday, January 27, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
The Tale of Two Teams

Maybe it's the pressure to perform in front of the home crowd, but this is truly the tale of two teams. The timid home team and the take control and dominate away team. I wish we could mix these teams together and have a 17-2 team. The good sign is that the talent is there and if put together in time this team could contend in the tourney. Stinson lead the way with 27 points, but the thing to take away with this win is how good the freshmen have been playing the last 3 games. Sure I wish Wayne would talk to Taggert about his 3 point shot( like never take another one) but can't really complain about their play. Actually I'm already looking forwaqrd to next year when they have some beef on them. Kansas is up next and with a win at hme against a SUBPAR Jayhawk team could lead to 3 straight w's with the Cyclones moving back up in the race for 2nd in the Big 12.
TV question: Why do some people who I think are hot have plastic surgery. Case in point: Judith Miller from Scrubs and Drew Carey has always been hot but I've notice recently she has had some work done and it bugs the shit out of me. This is the same thing Meg Ryan did. Don't these people have people around them to help with their self esteem. Should Dr.s be allowed to cut on these people. Does any one in Hollywood have any common sense.
Well hope to have a new cartoon up tomorrow and I'll be on the West Coast next week.
Saturday v. Kansas.
Des Moines Register Article on Game.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Seneca Wallace: ISU's Own

One of the good things about the Seahwks apperance in the Super Bowl is the pub Seneca Wallace is going to receive after his one big play on Sunday. Pitt will see him as a threat and I see Holmgren using him in different sets. Well anyway hers is a good article concerning him and ISU.
What's a Guy Gotta Do?

To get someone to comment on his blog? Just wondering.
Not much going on today but did want to comment on 24. My whole family loves this show but we all started wondering how hard it would be for a normal person to go through the day like Jack Bauer does whispering all the time. Yes we know that the rest of his day is pretty hectic, but trying to carry on one conversation in that low whispering voice just about killed me, let alone what it did to my throat. Do you think he talks like that all the time. Just wondering?
Don't worry I just noticed it too. I will not keep saying just wondering as some type of stupid catch phrase.
Well another Cyclone game Wednesday night. might watch it might not. Ok I will watch it but am going to try to be as calm as possible. Still Love em.
See Ya next time,

Monday, January 23, 2006
A Pox, A Pox on You All
Just a few more TV points while there on my mind:
I can't believe that the new Heather Graham vehicle "Emily's Reasons Why" was cancellled after one showing. What has happened to her poor career, it was once so promising, especially after Boogie Nights, but then again that might have been her problem, too much nudity to quiclky and too often. I still hope she makes it, I always liked her( or maybe it was just Rollergirl)
Speaking of Nudity , I just ran into some unexpected nudity. It seems that one of my daughters favorite actresses, Anne Hathaway, she from the Princess Diary Movies and Ella Enchanted, has some excellent nude scenes in the straight to DVD movie, Havoc. I've seen some stills but still need to see the whole thing for a more thorough review.
NBC is changing their schedule after the Olympics.and it looks like the Donald is going to Mondays and L&O is going to have to head to head with Lost. Also it looks like it's goodbye to Joey. Thank God. And speaking of the Olympics and NBC, heres hoping they use their HD feed to show live coverage this year instead of the one day delayed coverage from the last Summer affair. What a waste, who wants to watch the skating finals one day later than they can be scene on their normal channel.
Last but not least, it seems my daughters favorite show will have to take some time off because it's star has Chicken Pox. Seems like Earl might be suffering fom some bad karma
I can't believe that the new Heather Graham vehicle "Emily's Reasons Why" was cancellled after one showing. What has happened to her poor career, it was once so promising, especially after Boogie Nights, but then again that might have been her problem, too much nudity to quiclky and too often. I still hope she makes it, I always liked her( or maybe it was just Rollergirl)
Speaking of Nudity , I just ran into some unexpected nudity. It seems that one of my daughters favorite actresses, Anne Hathaway, she from the Princess Diary Movies and Ella Enchanted, has some excellent nude scenes in the straight to DVD movie, Havoc. I've seen some stills but still need to see the whole thing for a more thorough review.
NBC is changing their schedule after the Olympics.and it looks like the Donald is going to Mondays and L&O is going to have to head to head with Lost. Also it looks like it's goodbye to Joey. Thank God. And speaking of the Olympics and NBC, heres hoping they use their HD feed to show live coverage this year instead of the one day delayed coverage from the last Summer affair. What a waste, who wants to watch the skating finals one day later than they can be scene on their normal channel.
Last but not least, it seems my daughters favorite show will have to take some time off because it's star has Chicken Pox. Seems like Earl might be suffering fom some bad karma
Weekend Update
Once again the weekend was to short and I really don't remember most of it. But did I have fun yes. This is how it breaks down.
1. Iowa State v. Texas A&m
2. Last Call at O'Malley's
3. NFC/ AFC Championships
Iowa State pretty much sucks when it comes down to crunch time, the reason being I believe is coaching. We allow Stinson and Blaylock to play way to much one on one and it really get the other guys completely out to the game. All of this streetball late in the games causes way too many stupid turnovers. How can you be winning by 12 late in the 2nd half at home and still lose in OT to a questionable team and allow a kid to make his first two 3 pointers of the year, and then ISU allows a freshmen to take his first 3 point attempt all season on a key possession late in the game. Needless to say this game really pissed me off and I might have to find better things to do than watch the rest of their games. These games are really starting to kill me and I think my son is starting to question my sanity. But as always I'll give em another chance and they'll probably suck me back inwith a win against KU. Thank God for Beer. Which leads me to my next event.
Last Call: By time me and Julie made it up to O'malley's at 8:15 for the show, I was pretty lubed. Which was good and bad. Don the opening act had already started and the place was already filling up. The night was pretty important for me because I was previewing my new hat look. Did it catch on is yet to be seen. Well I had the intention to review the show for the band, even writing down the first two sets and notes on each song. But my judgment was greatly effected by many tins of of Jaeger and I missed most of the last set and realized that I REALLY COULD'NT DO AN HONEST REVIEW because I actually like the band and couldn't be critical any way. It would be like the President of NSync's fan club reviewing one of NSyncs shows. I really mean that. Some of the hightlights: Trev's solo work on Little wing was excellent, Band was super tight on Sold me down the river, new songs like Should I stay or should i go were welcome additions. The crowd loved them.
I believe their next gig is 2/4 at Mike & Denises. Check out their link for more info.
Well I finally rolled in around 5:30, from the bar till then was pretty much a blur, so you can guess how I was feeling on Sunday, which leads us to the....
Championship games, which I watched in PIP while I caught up on my missed shows on TIVO, with every intention of going straight to the games when they got close, well that never happened in either of game, so needless to say I caught up on a lot of TV. Some thoughts on that:
Book of Daniel is an excellent new show and Its a shame NBC has to bury it on Fridays because of the pressure from the religious right . Why don't these people ever watch these show before they start protesting them? Sure some of the story lines are outrageous but I believe the portrayal of Jesus and How the Minister react to the problems swirling around them is done very well.
CSI used to be one of my favorites but I feel they might have run their course. I counted 4 music/ scientific stuff montages this past week. We get it already, time to come up with better stories and less lab work. Having said that they should take some lessond from Cold Case which has much better stories and know how to use it's soundtrack to carry the story not just fill it.
Invasion i started out liking this show but am now getting bored with the direction it is going. It is getting more and more hokey, and not like Lost hokey " where I'll believe anything that happens". I guess you need to care more about the characters to get sucked in more, and it's just not happening to me.
SNL: is it worth an hour and a half for the good laughs nad a couple of chuckles? I can't give up on SNL just yet because I see some promise in the new cast members, but it's getting close. Sometimes I feel SNL is a lot like a professional team with a buch of hight priced free agents. They have these rookies theyve drafted that should be starting but the coach will only play the money guys cause thats what the owner wants. Let the young blood lead off the show, I'm sick of waiting an hour to see the good stuff.
Well back to the games, both where blowouts and the highlight for me was Ex ISU star Seneca Wallace big catch for Seattle. I will focus more on the Superbowl in the next 2 weeks, eventually with a preview. but for now my predition is this.
Pitt 34 Seattle 21 Pitt's defense is just ot quick.
More Later,
Also watch 24. this season has started out great!
1. Iowa State v. Texas A&m
2. Last Call at O'Malley's
3. NFC/ AFC Championships
Iowa State pretty much sucks when it comes down to crunch time, the reason being I believe is coaching. We allow Stinson and Blaylock to play way to much one on one and it really get the other guys completely out to the game. All of this streetball late in the games causes way too many stupid turnovers. How can you be winning by 12 late in the 2nd half at home and still lose in OT to a questionable team and allow a kid to make his first two 3 pointers of the year, and then ISU allows a freshmen to take his first 3 point attempt all season on a key possession late in the game. Needless to say this game really pissed me off and I might have to find better things to do than watch the rest of their games. These games are really starting to kill me and I think my son is starting to question my sanity. But as always I'll give em another chance and they'll probably suck me back inwith a win against KU. Thank God for Beer. Which leads me to my next event.
Last Call: By time me and Julie made it up to O'malley's at 8:15 for the show, I was pretty lubed. Which was good and bad. Don the opening act had already started and the place was already filling up. The night was pretty important for me because I was previewing my new hat look. Did it catch on is yet to be seen. Well I had the intention to review the show for the band, even writing down the first two sets and notes on each song. But my judgment was greatly effected by many tins of of Jaeger and I missed most of the last set and realized that I REALLY COULD'NT DO AN HONEST REVIEW because I actually like the band and couldn't be critical any way. It would be like the President of NSync's fan club reviewing one of NSyncs shows. I really mean that. Some of the hightlights: Trev's solo work on Little wing was excellent, Band was super tight on Sold me down the river, new songs like Should I stay or should i go were welcome additions. The crowd loved them.
I believe their next gig is 2/4 at Mike & Denises. Check out their link for more info.
Well I finally rolled in around 5:30, from the bar till then was pretty much a blur, so you can guess how I was feeling on Sunday, which leads us to the....
Championship games, which I watched in PIP while I caught up on my missed shows on TIVO, with every intention of going straight to the games when they got close, well that never happened in either of game, so needless to say I caught up on a lot of TV. Some thoughts on that:
Book of Daniel is an excellent new show and Its a shame NBC has to bury it on Fridays because of the pressure from the religious right . Why don't these people ever watch these show before they start protesting them? Sure some of the story lines are outrageous but I believe the portrayal of Jesus and How the Minister react to the problems swirling around them is done very well.
CSI used to be one of my favorites but I feel they might have run their course. I counted 4 music/ scientific stuff montages this past week. We get it already, time to come up with better stories and less lab work. Having said that they should take some lessond from Cold Case which has much better stories and know how to use it's soundtrack to carry the story not just fill it.
Invasion i started out liking this show but am now getting bored with the direction it is going. It is getting more and more hokey, and not like Lost hokey " where I'll believe anything that happens". I guess you need to care more about the characters to get sucked in more, and it's just not happening to me.
SNL: is it worth an hour and a half for the good laughs nad a couple of chuckles? I can't give up on SNL just yet because I see some promise in the new cast members, but it's getting close. Sometimes I feel SNL is a lot like a professional team with a buch of hight priced free agents. They have these rookies theyve drafted that should be starting but the coach will only play the money guys cause thats what the owner wants. Let the young blood lead off the show, I'm sick of waiting an hour to see the good stuff.
Well back to the games, both where blowouts and the highlight for me was Ex ISU star Seneca Wallace big catch for Seattle. I will focus more on the Superbowl in the next 2 weeks, eventually with a preview. but for now my predition is this.
Pitt 34 Seattle 21 Pitt's defense is just ot quick.
More Later,
Also watch 24. this season has started out great!
Friday, January 20, 2006
Last Call Come See My Friends Band
This is My friend Jim. He thinks he is the greatest band manager ever.(Actually he's not bad)
This is my other friend Trev. It's really his band, music is his life.
The reason I bring all this up is because they are playing this Saturday at my old watering hole O'malley's Bar and Grill at 9:00. They have been playing for about four months and would love for people to come see them. If you like Classic Rock and dancing and fun stop by and check them out. Well that's all of my promo on them.
I really wasn't going to post much else today since the Cyclones don't play till tomorrow and I expect a win( No jinxes please). But I just noticed that the biggest story out of Chicago is the Antonio Davis/Bulls story, and wouldn't you know it but the person behind the hole blow-up, Kendra Davis, grew up in Aurora. I just thought that was an interesting note, especially since Aurora can't catch a good publicity break. Plus I wanted to add that I love AD but he should have been suspended for alot longer than 5 games.
Well hope to see you at the show.
See you soon,
This is his only Band: Last Call.

I really wasn't going to post much else today since the Cyclones don't play till tomorrow and I expect a win( No jinxes please). But I just noticed that the biggest story out of Chicago is the Antonio Davis/Bulls story, and wouldn't you know it but the person behind the hole blow-up, Kendra Davis, grew up in Aurora. I just thought that was an interesting note, especially since Aurora can't catch a good publicity break. Plus I wanted to add that I love AD but he should have been suspended for alot longer than 5 games.
Well hope to see you at the show.
See you soon,
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Follow up to Post One or mindless rant 1.1
I just wanted to say that I have really become a fan of Lost this year, and last night episode really topped off the season. I just wish I could catch all the extra things that are going on in the background. The funny thing is, my favorite show 15 years ago was Twin Peaks and I'm not sure what was going on half the time then either, then after that it was X-files. I think it must say something that I'm engrossed in things I really don't understand. Well having said that, what I really was posting for was to say I think I will be back here mote frequently than my first post might have let on.
Till we meet again,
Till we meet again,
Post one
This will probably be my first and last post. That's how most things work in my life. I'm all gung ho on something and then it drifts off quickly. If that's not the case then I will be using this blog to rant and review all things in my life. This can include everything from TV, Movies, Books, my wife or my kids. Or even work if I think it is something that will not get me fired. But alot of my posts will center around Iowa State and Cyclone sports. Which is kinda funny, because I haven't been to Ames in 10 years, but the internet and boards has kept me vey close to the action.
I will go into more detail on all of this(maybe) in future posts. But right now I'm just trying to get this blog up and running. Hopefully I will write something that intereests someone out there.
That's all for Now,
I will go into more detail on all of this(maybe) in future posts. But right now I'm just trying to get this blog up and running. Hopefully I will write something that intereests someone out there.
That's all for Now,
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