Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Some More of that Liberal Crap!

Hopefully some of you Neo-Cons will comment on it without watching it. It's in your bully nature to name call and intimidate isn't it.


Anonymous said...

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman" - Impeached Lying Former President.

Olberman should go back to calling BYU vs Cal State Fulerton suits him better.

Too bad you can't vote for Bill again. Should we abolish term limits?....or would you rather vote for her war supporting, Yankee Fan of a wife who some say is strong but stands by her cheating husband?

Chuck said...

It's in your bully nature to name call and intimidate isn't it.

You are so right, I do choose my elected officials based on who the support in baseball, because being a Yankee fan would definetely disqualify from sending kids off to be killed.
when the democrats take over the house and senate at least the Rebublicans will be able to claim their own lying impeached former president. probably VP also, so you'll be one up on us again. Oh wait you already have on that resigned and one that was impeached and one that couldn't remember anything about sellin arms to are new #1 enemy Iran. Cheating husband or friends with Hussien and bin laden. Sleeping at night must be easy.