I don't think I've really put much thought into the fact that I will be turning 40 in a month, until now. I was just sitting in my office, when an unnamed person asked, "Isn't your Birthday next month?" I even kinda brushed that off.
But then on my way to work today, it really sunk in, I'm going to be 40 years old. I mean that is old isn't it. That's past half way death, right. Wasn't I just attending my 21st birthday, I mean come on ,I remember atttending my Mother's surprise 40th birthday not that long ago.
Should I wax philosophical about where I thought I would be at this stage or age in my life. Should I try to reveerse the effects of aging? Should I buy a Porcshe? Do any of these things matter anymore in today's society. Isn't 40 the new 25.
Here's hoping it is.

So please send me any comments on what Jim should do.
He appreciates the support we have all given him.
This is also another reason why it is important to wear a football helmet in a football game. Hopefully Jim has learned his lesson
Till Next time,
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