We all know we make them, some people more than others, especially for milestone events like turning 40. I wish I could find mine so I'll have to go by memory.

1. Travel the World. Do Mexico and Canada count?
2. Have enough to retire. I hit my goal money wise, but who would have know 20 years later 25K wouldn't do it.
3. Have 3 beautiful children: Sure i wouldn't complain about Trey and Cassidy, but i sure miss little Pedro. Please come home little Pedro.
4.Be in perfect shape. Round is a perfect shape isn't it?
5. Still have all my hair. Wasn't planning on having more hair but it keeps coming out of every hole. Did you know hair can grow on the bottom of your feet.
6. Have a Blackberrry, Laptop, Razr, Hybrid Car, HD TV. Ok so these weren't goals 20 years ago, but if they were I would have been a genius and very rich.
7. Marry a beautiful and Great Women/Mother. By far my greatest con job and the goal I've worked on the most.
8. Have great friends! This one is a joke, I've also been a loner and will remain a loner.
Love you All,
Found this T-shirt in my drawer. Man I miss the 80's. (that would be a good name for a show)

Charlie, you forgot Goal #9: Retire as the All-time, undefeated Zonk Champion.
Problem is, I don't remember if I won or lost. But then again everyones a winnner win the play Zonk.
YOU ARE SO FUCKIN GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the comments Ozzie.
Stop eating so much shit and you will lose the weight.
Thanks for the advice. You must be one of my genius friends.
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