Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Sad Note/ It's a story like this that will make U Cry...
A seven year old boy was at the center of a Chicago courtroom dramayesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody ofhimThe boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judgeinitially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with the childcustody law and regulations requiring that family unity be maintained tothe degree possible.The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him morethan his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. Whenthe judge suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried outthat they also beat him.After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning thatdomestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, theJudge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who houldhave custody of him. After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the Chicago Cubs, who the boy firmly believes are not capable of beatinganyone.
.....With Laughter!!!
Friday, May 26, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
How Did He Win If Nobody Voted For Him?
I Really liked this.
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Mr. President, we have all heard the reports that you are extremely health-conscious—exercising daily, eating right, and making sure you get to bed at a decent hour. But with all the stress that comes along with being the leader of the free world, I imagine there must be days when you find yourself hard-pressed to find time to run. And as for healthy sleep patterns, I know when I'm under a great deal of stress I sometimes lie in bed tossing and turning until the wee hours of the morning. I've tried Ambien, warm milk, sheep-counting. Nothing seems to help. So tell me, Mr. President, how do you sleep at night?
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On my tour of the White House, I noticed that the hall leading from the Oval Office to the press room is devoid of mirrors or reflective surfaces of any kind. Now, surely you sometimes want to make sure your tie is straight or your hair is fixed before a press conference. How do you even look at yourself in the mirror?
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In my journalistic pursuits, I have traveled the nation, interviewing Americans in small towns to try to get a feel for the attitudes of the masses toward their elected officials. As you have undoubtedly heard, Mr. President, support for the war in Iraq is waning, not only in big cities but in the heartland as well. I'm reminded of an older gentleman I encountered in the tiny hamlet of Hale, Missouri—fairly solid Bush country in both 2000 and 2004. He tells me that many of his doubts and fears about the war could be assuaged if you would accept the Hale Town Council's standing invitation for you to come speak at the local high school, laying out the successes in Iraq not reported by the liberal media. So I ask you, President Bush, why don't you just go to Hale?
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A while back, a wire story on the contents of your personal iPod reported that you were listening to the Knack, Credence Clearwater Revival, and Van Morrison. Noticeably absent from the reported playlist at that time were any classic '70s soul-music artists such as Al Green or James Brown. Perhaps you have added some Marvin Gaye to the rotation since that story. I wonder if you'd like to update us on your current iPod selections. Have you no soul, Mr. President?
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We all know we make them, some people more than others, especially for milestone events like turning 40. I wish I could find mine so I'll have to go by memory.

1. Travel the World. Do Mexico and Canada count?
2. Have enough to retire. I hit my goal money wise, but who would have know 20 years later 25K wouldn't do it.
3. Have 3 beautiful children: Sure i wouldn't complain about Trey and Cassidy, but i sure miss little Pedro. Please come home little Pedro.
4.Be in perfect shape. Round is a perfect shape isn't it?
5. Still have all my hair. Wasn't planning on having more hair but it keeps coming out of every hole. Did you know hair can grow on the bottom of your feet.
6. Have a Blackberrry, Laptop, Razr, Hybrid Car, HD TV. Ok so these weren't goals 20 years ago, but if they were I would have been a genius and very rich.
7. Marry a beautiful and Great Women/Mother. By far my greatest con job and the goal I've worked on the most.
8. Have great friends! This one is a joke, I've also been a loner and will remain a loner.
Love you All,
Found this T-shirt in my drawer. Man I miss the 80's. (that would be a good name for a show)

Friday, May 05, 2006
Talk 2 the Hand?
I Really want t shirt with this slogan on it. So if someone knows where I can snag one, please give a heads up. I have my reasons.
You want to know what 's crazy about the internet? It the stuff you can uncover about somebodies past. I just happened to be cruising around the net and what should I come across, but a picture of my good friend Reid back when he had hair.
Reid, it was hard at first to recognize you , but who doesn't remember that shirt of yours. Keep on Truckin, buddy
What are you smiling about Jim?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Pirate Looks at 40!

I don't think I've really put much thought into the fact that I will be turning 40 in a month, until now. I was just sitting in my office, when an unnamed person asked, "Isn't your Birthday next month?" I even kinda brushed that off.
But then on my way to work today, it really sunk in, I'm going to be 40 years old. I mean that is old isn't it. That's past half way death, right. Wasn't I just attending my 21st birthday, I mean come on ,I remember atttending my Mother's surprise 40th birthday not that long ago.
Should I wax philosophical about where I thought I would be at this stage or age in my life. Should I try to reveerse the effects of aging? Should I buy a Porcshe? Do any of these things matter anymore in today's society. Isn't 40 the new 25.
Here's hoping it is.

So please send me any comments on what Jim should do.
He appreciates the support we have all given him.
This is also another reason why it is important to wear a football helmet in a football game. Hopefully Jim has learned his lesson
Till Next time,
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
This Can Be Yours! *small fee required

Oh by the way, I bought 3 chances.
Yes I did read that the actual # is 432. 500 just sounds better.